12 Videos

Harrison, one of our dedicated young SimFly members takes to the skies for real on his journey to being a pilot. We can really help you on your way at SimFly.
Harrison, one of our dedicated young SimFly members takes to the skies for real on his journey to being a pilot. We can really help you on your way at SimFly.
Well done to Louie for flying his first ever solo in thf Boeing 737 simulator! A truly memorable evening!
Well done to Louie for flying his first ever solo in thf Boeing 737 simulator! A truly memorable evening!
Daniel Legg, absolutely smashing his general handling at SimFly today. Well done Daniel
Daniel Legg, absolutely smashing his general handling at SimFly today. Well done Daniel
Great to see Peter Everitt, Louie Robson and Paul Knight flying with us at the weekend. Some fantastic flying from all. Louie we wish you the very best in your aviation studies and future vocation within the airlines.
Great to see Peter Everitt, Louie Robson and Paul Knight flying with us at the weekend. Some fantastic flying from all. Louie we wish you the very best in your aviation studies and future vocation within the airlines.
Great to see Peter Everitt, Louie Robson and Paul Knight flying with us at the weekend. Some fantastic flying from all. Louie we wish you the very best in your aviation studies and future vocation within the airlines.
Great to see Peter Everitt, Louie Robson and Paul Knight flying with us at the weekend. Some fantastic flying from all. Louie we wish you the very best in your aviation studies and future vocation within the airlines.
Great to see Peter Everitt, Louie Robson and Paul Knight flying with us at the weekend. Some fantastic flying from all. Louie we wish you the very best in your aviation studies and future vocation within the airlines.
Great to see Peter Everitt, Louie Robson and Paul Knight flying with us at the weekend. Some fantastic flying from all. Louie we wish you the very best in your aviation studies and future vocation within the airlines.
Was truly fantastic to have the students from East Durham College with us sharpening up their skills in the cabin and flying the Boeing 737-800 flight simulator
Was truly fantastic to have the students from East Durham College with us sharpening up their skills in the cabin and flying the Boeing 737-800 flight simulator
A fantastic pilot in the making... Abel was an absolute pleasure to be flying with us at SimFly. A true gentleman and a keen potential pilot. Good luck Abel. Always here if you need help!
A fantastic pilot in the making... Abel was an absolute pleasure to be flying with us at SimFly. A true gentleman and a keen potential pilot. Good luck Abel. Always here if you need help!
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
A wonderful day had by Lyndsay Hogg and family at SimFly. A great family outing.
Recent article in the Northern Echo
Recent article in Darlington Monthly
Ever dreamed of flying a jet? Then read on...
It started as an idea!!
Andy.... THANK YOU X
Let’s get you checked in and ready to board the aircraft…
Our 737-800 in her full glory ready for departure. Could you fly this? Find out by arranging your slot with us!!
Smiley faces all round!!
Go Charlie!
Our Joe at the controls.
We value teaching youngsters to fly. Today was “take your child to work day”. Naturally my son came with me...
Passengers, time to relax on one of our night flights.
Fantastic landing Matthew, very best of luck with the RAF. Best wishes from us all at SimFly.
Welcome to the flight deck!
Fantastic landing at Newcastle John
Fantastic flying young Charlie Yeomans! Great skills all round!
Fantastic flying young Charlie Yeomans! Great skills all round!
Well done Malcolm Singleton. An absolute gentleman, fantastic flying!
Enjoy a prosecco and strawberries whilst flying over the statue of liberty, or over downtown New York City!
A big welcome to our new SimFly cabin crew recruits, Lily and Keeley.
Fantastic flying today Corbin
Looking forward to welcoming you all onboard. Stuie, your SimFly instructor
Big hi fives for a smooth landing in Jamaica
Nice one Ewan!
Superb flying Lindsay
Super flying Jack!
Superb approaches today! Well done Dave
Beautiful approach to Manchester today Pete. Pleasure having you with us at SimFly!
Absolute natural flying mark, fantastic approaches to Newcastle and Leeds! A certificate well earned!!
Superb general handling Jack!
Wonderful flying from Ted, Barbara and Claire
Thanks ever so much to Rachel from BBC Radio Tees. Really pleased you enjoyed your flight today. Pure pleasure having you with us.
UK rock guitarist Will Taylor flys with SimFly on tour!!
Well done today Gavin Ward. Fantastic flying. Glad you enjoyed our complimentary Prosecco! Look forward to seeing you again soon.
Some of the best general handling of an aircraft I’ve seen to date from a novice pilot. Super flying Mark Atherton
Thanks to Rachel and the team at BBC Radio Tees for their fabulous coverage of the simulator. Absolutely wonderful people.
Thanks to Rachel and the team at BBC Radio Tees for their fabulous coverage of the simulator. Absolutely wonderful people.
Thanks for the incredible pictures Callum Shevlin. A truly memorable flight today buddy!
Every once in a while we will encounter an absolute gem of a natural young pilot. Gregg Hanmer, Your general handling and monitoring heights headings and speeds was near professional. An absolute pleasure to fly alongside such a naturally talented future aviator. Well done Gregg. We look forward to welcoming back at Simfly- Virtual Global Flying with open arms young man. A certificate well earned. Stuie Ellerton Drummer
Superb flying by Kezia Hooper today!!we even got to fly over Grandmas house in Skegness. Very well done Kezia!
An absolute ball of an evening at SimFly with Saralouise and her crew at one of our Strawberries and Cream & Prosecco flight nights! Thanks for coming guys, it was a pleasure having you onboard!
Absolutely superb flying today Andrew. Absolute pleasure having you with SimFly today.
Absolutely superb flying today Andrew. Absolute pleasure having you with SimFly today.
A huge thanks to Derek, an aviation enthusiast, who flew the 737-800 simulator with us today. Derek completed a fantastic take off and general handling skills before doing a smooth landing at Newcastle. Derek was so impressed with the simulator and our surroundings he has purchased another 11 flying sessions with us over the next few weeks. Well done Derek and thanks for choosing SimFly for your immersive flight experience.
It was an absolute honour to fly the simulator today with Captain Tom Vlaming. Tom has in the region of 20,000 hours flying for KLM and UPS worldwide on a number of aircraft. Thanks for coming to fly with SimFly today Captain Tom an sharing your experience.
Absolutely superb flying with Paul today! Well done Paul.
Absolutely superb flying with Paul today! Well done Paul.
A superb flight today with Arthur Cooper at the controls as Captain. Lots of potential Arthur! Well done!
A superb flight today with Arthur Cooper at the controls as Captain. Lots of potential Arthur! Well done!
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Some wonderful flying from our college visitors yesterday.
Absolutely superb general handling from Adam and Jaimie at SimFly today. Well done guys, and a big happy birthday to Adam. Today’s flight was a birthday present from partner Tiffany. Hope you enjoyed your time with us today.
Super flying from Bill Robson today. Well done Bill!
Fabulous having Tony Swanwick with us at SimFly today. Beautiful general handling skills throughout the flight and some Dambusters style flying through the Lake District! Welcome back again any time Tony.
Fabulous having Tony Swanwick with us at SimFly today. Beautiful general handling skills throughout the flight and some Dambusters style flying through the Lake District! Welcome back again any time Tony.
Farmer Michael Richmond swapped tractor for Boeing 737 today at SimFly Virtual Global Flying. A true gentleman and a natural pilot!! Well done Michael. Welcome back any time sir!
Farmer Michael Richmond swapped tractor for Boeing 737 today at SimFly Virtual Global Flying. A true gentleman and a natural pilot!! Well done Michael. Welcome back any time sir!
Well done Steve Semple. Outstanding airmanship today in the simulator. Look forward to seeing you again soon.
Well done Steve Semple. Outstanding airmanship today in the simulator. Look forward to seeing you again soon.
Great to have Gemma and Gabby with us at SimFly yesterday from Teesside University Media Degree.
Great to have Gemma and Gabby with us at SimFly yesterday from Teesside University Media Degree.
An absolute pleasure to have the students from SC with SimFly today. Welcome back anytime. We hope the students enjoved their experience with us, especially flying the simulator. Next time we can explore in a little more depth planning a route, departing from one airport and landing at a different destination. Time sensitive roles etc. Looking forward to having you all back at SimFly.
An absolute pleasure to have the students from SC with SimFly today. Welcome back anytime. We hope the students enjoved their experience with us, especially flying the simulator. Next time we can explore in a little more depth planning a route, departing from one airport and landing at a different destination. Time sensitive roles etc. Looking forward to having you all back at SimFly.
An absolute pleasure to have the students from SC with SimFly today. Welcome back anytime. We hope the students enjoved their experience with us, especially flying the simulator. Next time we can explore in a little more depth planning a route, departing from one airport and landing at a different destination. Time sensitive roles etc. Looking forward to having you all back at SimFly.
An absolute pleasure to have the students from SC with SimFly today. Welcome back anytime. We hope the students enjoved their experience with us, especially flying the simulator. Next time we can explore in a little more depth planning a route, departing from one airport and landing at a different destination. Time sensitive roles etc. Looking forward to having you all back at SimFly.
Slice of open day cake anyone? Thanks Beth!