
 Air Training Corps Candidates

The simulator is available to Air Training Corps Squadrons (ATC) on a regular basis to enable Squadron candidates to participate in the basics of flying under instruction.

Aspects of aviation covered will be:

 Cubs/Scouts Air Activities Badges
The simulator is the ideal training resource for youth organisations to partake on a regular rotational basis studying for most of the tasks listed in the criteria for these badges. We can offer our knowledge and experience of:
 Careers Demonstration Days
The simulator is available to school students at  year 10/11 and sixth forms colleges offering information on pilot apprenticeship possibilities, giving interested clients a try before you commit option to assess whether learning to fly really is the future pathway of learning and achievement that school students at this age wish to follow.
Simfly – Young Fyers
 Travel & Tourism Students

The simulator is an invaluable resource offering lessons for students studying for a Travel and Tourism qualification, giving students a greater understanding of:

Students are welcome to sit in and watch/partake in an actual flight.