
This 10-hour course is aimed at interested youngsters between 10 years and 16 years of age. The course incorporates: general handling, take offs, climbing to an assigned height, heading and speed setting, the cruise, basic navigation planning, instrumentation, starting and shutting down procedures, basic team exercises, flying the circuit, descent, approach and landing.
- General Handling
- Take Offs
- Climbing to an Assigned Height
- Heading and Speed Setting
- The Cruise
- Basic Navigation
- Planning
- Instrumentation
- Starting & Shutting Down Procedures
- Basic Team Exercises
- Flying the Circuit
- Descent
- Approach
- Landing
Lessons are on a 1:1 basis, comprising 60 minutes in the sim, 15 mins preflight brief and 15 mins debrief, concluding with a stamp in the students’ own personal logbook.

Following a check-in in our authentic airport lounge, with sounds of a working airport, you will be given a 15-minute preflight briefing before being shown through to the ‘aircraft room’ where family members are welcome to sit in real aircraft seats from a Boeing 737 and watch the flight on our in-house screens.You will be offered a choice of flying from/into a favourite part of the world, general handling, climbing or descending and approach to an airport. Following the 60-minute flight will be given a debrief and will receive a certificate stating that you have flown a 737-800 simulator.

The simulator is the ultimate training resource for team building events within the corporate industry. Professional pilots must work together as a team before and during each flight to ensure the safety of passengers and crew.
Corporate clients are briefed on the event and their individual roles and responsibilities for:
- Basic Navigational Planning
- Preflight Checks
- Use of the Controls
- Roles of the Pilot in Control
- Roles of the Pilot operating certain controls
- Engine Starts
- Taxiing
- Line up and Take Off
- Flying a Basic Circuit
- Set up for Approach and Landing Skills

This one-day course aims to ascertain your anxieties around flying and the aviation industry. We aim to present you with the reality and statistics of flying, aircraft reliability, principles of flight and the professionalism of the pilots flying the aircraft. The day will give you the opportunity to take the controls of the simulator (under instruction) and to perform the basics of flying. From take offs, to basic handling, circuit-based activities with approaches and landing. You will also hear the realistic noises of engines, hydraulic systems and landing gear. Our aim is not to entirely cure your phobias around flying, but more so to make you a little more relaxed when travelling by air.

This fun flight is open for anyone who wants to have a go at absolutely any aspect of flying and from anywhere in the world. You name the airport, tell us what part of a flight you’d like to fly and we will tailor-make the flight to suit your creative mind… adverse weather conditions or crosswind landing, zero visibility approach or a clear sunny day. How about just flying around enjoying the scenery? Or maybe choose to land at a favourite airport, or an airport you have always wanted to visit! You could fly through valleys and over mountains to test your general handling of the aircraft. Use any of the controls that you like; throttles, flaps, speed brake, lower the landing gear, use the overhead panel switches, learn how pilots actually start the aircraft and shut it down following arrival at your destination. You’re in the captain’s seat, so choose what you want to do! This flight is the ideal gift for those who just want to ‘have a go’ at being in command of a commercial airliner. You name it, we can do it!