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unforgettable experience!
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pilot experience

Nominated for Start-Up Business of the Year 2023 by the Federation of Small Businesses.


 Airport Experience

The Simfly ‘Aircraft Room’ is fitted with actual internal parts from a Boeing 737 aircraft, including side panels and windows, original seating, overhead compartments for storage, fully functioning galley for making refreshments, 46-inch screens for passenger viewing and outstanding speaker system giving the real sounds of engines and operational equipment.

Simfly – Full Airport Experience

 Boeing 737-800

Our simulator is almost identical to an actual Boeing 737-800 flight deck with fully functioning navigational and engine parameter display screens, avionics, throttle quadrant, flight management computer, autopilot and overhead panel.

This will enable you to experience virtually any aspect of flying: Taxiing at any global airport, departures, climbing to assigned headings and heights relative to any given flight plan, general handling, effects of the controls, instrument flying, real time flight planning to any global destination, approaches and landing.

There is also a live weather screen so that flights may be conducted anywhere in the world with weather conditions that are currently at each destination.

Simfly – Fully Functioning Cockpit

 Awesome Graphics

Four 60-inch 4k TV screens give an outstanding level of display and graphics, enabling an incredibly realistic flying experience.

Simfly – Awesome Graphics

We can really help you on your way at SimFly!

Harrison, one of our dedicated young SimFly members takes to the skies for real on his journey to being a pilot.



Why SimFly?

Community Give Back

We aim to explore scholarship and sponsorship schemes targeting disadvantaged, underprivileged and disengaged children within the region, giving access to the simulator under supervision and instruction from the age of 10 years.

If you would like to discuss such opportunities, please get in touch. We’d be delighted to hear from you.